Creure Acidity Flux Capsule is a herbal combination. The key ingredients are Ginger , Cumin, Peppermint, Basil
Licorice , Black cumin.
- It restrain the discomfort of gas.
- Helps in removing toxins from the body & increases energy.
- It Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Circulation.
- It Helps To Promote Good Colon Health.
- Helps maintain a healthy gut.
- Abolish Heliobacter Pylori bacteria which is the primary reason for acidity and other gastric issues.
1. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract : Ginger is loaded with antioxidants. Ginger has been used worldwide as a natural cure commonly celebrated as a remedy for digestive problems. Its phenolic compounds are said to relieve gastrointestinal irritation and lessen gastric contractions. It “protects and heals the gut, hastens the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces wind, bloating and cramps.
2. Peppermint Extract : The active ingredient in peppermint oil is menthol. After a big meal, gas building up in your stomach can cause cramping, but menthol relaxes the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, allowing trapped gas to escape upward as a welcome, pressure-relieving burp. It has been considered effective in many stomach problems like gas, indigestion and constipation.
3. Basil Extract : Basil have soothing properties to give you instant relief from acidity. It known for its carminative properties that removes gas from the stomach.
4. Cumin Extract : Cumin aid digestion and is a great acid neutralizer. Cumin is used a lot in Indian food. Its taste and aroma gives excellent flavour. Well few people know that there are many benefits of eating cumin. Cumin is an excellent anti-oxidant and at the same time it is effective in reducing inflammation and relaxing the muscles. It is also found in fiber and it is rich in iron, copper. Anemia especially affects the health of women. If there is this problem, then consume cumin in the food regularly. The iron present in it helps to remove anaemia.
5. Licorice Extract : Licorice root contains over 300 chemical compounds and flavonoids. Glycyrrhizin, the most active chemical compound found in licorice, has been studied for its medicinal properties. This powerful phytochemical has been proven to reduce body fat, heal stomach ulcers, and fight infections.
6. Black cumin Extract : Cumin is an alkaline spice and is good for regulation of hyperacidity. It stimulates enzymatic secretions and helps in curing indigestion.
How To use/Suggested Usage:
Take a dosage of 1 to 2 capsules after 30 minutes a meal two times a day.
Storage: Store in cool dark and dry place. Keep away from children reach
3 reviews for Creure Acidity Flux | 60 Capsules